
File Information


Name: 2-21198-zz000228b3-1-master.jpg
Type: Image
URL: https://iiif.io/api/image/3.0/example/reference/85a96c630f077e6ac6cb984f1b752bbf-2-21198-zz000228b3-1-master
Source Image URL: https://fixtures.iiif.io/images/UCLA/conoximent_individuals/2-21198-zz000228b3-1-master.jpg


  • Title: [Conoximent de las orines] Ihesus, Ihesus. En nom de Deu et dela beneyeta sa mare e de tots los angels i archangels e de tots los sants e santes de paradis yo micer Johannes comense aquest libre de reseptes en l’ayn Mi 466.
  • Source: Supplied by UCLA
  • Language: Catalan
  • Description: A treatise on urines is followed by some 200 prescriptions for a wide variety of conditions and diseases. The urine treatise discusses the relation of urine to illness, diagnosis, and treatment. It names 27 different kinds of urine, defining them and offering remedies and advice. It is notable as being an early detailed and exhaustive study of urine, and also as one of the earliest medical treatises written in a vernacular language (Catalan) rather than Latin (Dealer note by Thomas Heller laid in book).
  • Extent: 94 leaves ; 143 x 101 (90/100 x 65/80) mm. bound to 147 x 105 mm.
  • Repository: Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library. History and Special Collections for the Sciences, UCLA
  • Source_url: https://digital.library.ucla.edu/catalog/k7622000zz-89112

JSON Resource details

The data below gives extra information on this resource and can be copied and pasted into a IIIF Manifest.

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